Services provided by MVCH help our clients with day-to-day living requirements and medical and employment assistance. These services include:
- Intensive Case Management
- Individual Action Plans (goal setting, budget creation)
- Assistance and Referrals to other social service agencies
- Medical and mental health care
- Child day care
- Food assistance programs
- Laundry – 1 load/week
- Shower Program – MWF, 8 am – 1:30
- Internet Services
- Mail Services
- Homeless Legal Clinic: Local attorneys provide limited pro bono services biweekly, as availability allows.
- Income Support
- SSI/SSDI Application Assistance
- Employment Referrals
- Emergency Transportation, as funding allows
- One time acquisition of personal identification
- Birth certificates
- Social Security cards
- Picture IDs
- Library & Resource Room
- Mano y Mano Day Labor